Just What We Are

^z 31st December 2024 at 8:00am

Just a bag of bones
And blood and filth

Just an animal
Cowering in fear

Just a speck of cosmic dust
Orbiting an average star

Just a matrix of biochemical pathways
Feedback loops and coupled equations

Just a giant robot clumsily following instructions
From tiny genes demanding it build copies of itself

Just a whirl of thoughts and hopes and dreams
Clashing against the constraints of reality

Just a long list of laws with penalties for
Disobedience and rewards for submission

Just symbol-manipulators running
On unreliable hardware

Just a soul trapped inside
A cracked shell

Just all of these
And much more

Just love

(cf Light of Evolution (2006-04-24), What We Know (2006-08-15), Present in Every Moment (2019-11-15), You Are a Poem (2020-02-10), ...) - ^z - 2024-12-31